About Me

Welcome to my blog!


I’m thrilled to have you here. This is the ultimate DIY destination where you can find creative projects and ideas about… almost everything! 

From recipes to clothes, my DIY journey began a few years back, starting with easy recipes and gradually expanding into cosmetics, upcycling clothes, and even transforming recycled cans and cardboards into home decor and homeschool activities. The best part is that all these projects are incredibly EASY and require everyday items you probably already have at home.
As an “ethical influencer” member, I only share sustainable tips. It all started when I made my first handmade cosmetics, because I like natural products without harmful ingredients. So you will find here lots of eco-friendly tips for a greener life. I specifically enjoy slow fashion, and I share here my thrifted and upcycled items. (Tap here to discover them!).
By embracing these DIY ventures, my family and I have taken huge strides towards a greener lifestyle. We are passionate about reducing waste, embracing second-hand and vintage finds, using seasonal food, and crafting our own supplies for homeschool activities.
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Thank you for visiting, and I hope you’ll find inspiration and joy in exploring my little universe here!

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