DIY cardboard fish: why fishes? Well tomorrow it’d April the first and here in France that is how we call April’s fool : “poisson d’avril”.

Every year we craft fishes from cardboards like last year we did with toilet paper rolls. This year I was looking for another zero waste activity so I thought that these foil chocolate wrappers would be perfect as fish scales. We try to avoid them and as your know we avoid sugar as much as possible (specially for the girls) but we (my husband and I) do love a chocolate bar from time to time.?

Diy cardboard fish


You can check the video tutorial if you scroll down, but the how-to is pretty simple: draw a fish on a cardboard (if you can recycle something, it’ll be a plus!) Cut it, also cut the scales with paper news and chocolate wrappers, glue them to the cardboard, add some color to the face and fins and it will be done! I added a fun tail with just a long fastener.

DIY cardboard fish

I link here the fish drawing for those who prefer to print it:

Find my DIY ideas and crafts classed by themes on my “about me” page
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I have never been a fan of pranks and April’s fool is definitely not one of my favorite celebrations, crafting fishes for that day has become a new tradition that I am loving!

Here’s last’s year version with toilet paper rolls:

April's fool craft
Diy cardboard fish

So what do you think about that diy cardboard fish? And will you prank someone? Hope it’s just a nice prank!?

Find my DIY ideas and crafts classed by themes on my “about me” page
Follow for more on my Instagram
And you can support my work

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J’ai vu 3 chats bleus, à la queue leu-leu
Marchant sur un fil… Poisson d’avril !

J’ai vu un chameau faire du vélo
Tout autour d’une île… Poisson d’avril !

J’ai vu un gros ver en hélicoptère
Traversant la ville… Poisson d’avril !

J’ai vu une vache avec des moustaches
Et de très longs cils… Poisson d’avril !

J’ai vu 10 corbeaux assis sur le dos
D’un vieux crocodile… Poisson d’avril !

Paul Géraldy, in Vous et moi

Scraps & Coffee Grounds

Scraps & Coffee Grounds

Hi! my name is Sara and I am a DIY lover!
This blog started as a journal where I wrote my favorite recipes, from cosmetics and food. Then I started to create and upcycle clothes and I finally needed crafts ideas and easy kids activities for our homeschool journey. We love handmade stuff and easy projects and I share them all here!

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