
DIY Montessori-Inspired Routine Clock: Free Printable Included!

Incorporating Montessori principles into daily routines can greatly benefit a child’s development. A fantastic way to achieve this is by creating a Montessori-inspired routine clock. This DIY project not only instills a sense of structure and responsibility but also provides a visual representation of a child’s day. This blog post will guide you through the process of making your own routine clock using a free printable and some basic craft supplies.

The Importance of Routine:
Routine plays a pivotal role in a child’s growth, providing a sense of security and aiding time-management skills. By creating a routine clock, you can empower your child to take ownership of their schedule, aligning perfectly with Montessori’s practical life approach.

DiY routine clock

What I specifically wanted, was something to help my daughters the first days/weeks of school. Specially my youngest who needs to start school also in the afternoons.

So I added the icons depending on their school rythmes (8’30-12h and 13’45- 16’15) but you can add your own hours routines (we’ll write the numbers on each icon)

Girl using a routine clock

Materials needed

1. Free routine clock printable (available for download)
2. Cardboard or thick paper
3. Scissors
4. Glue
5. Brads or a split pin
6. Movable clock hands: I upcycled a clock!

Steps to create the routine clock

1. Download the Printable:
Access the free routine clock printable available for download.

Print it out on a standard sheet of paper.

2. Attach the Printable to Cardboard: (optional)
Glue the printed routine clock onto a piece of cardboard or thick paper. This will provide sturdiness to the clock face.

3. Cut Out the Clock Face:
Carefully cut out the clock face along the outer edge. Be sure to also cut out the center where the clock hands will be attached.

4. Attach the Movable Clock Hands: glue your printable to the original numbers sheet of the clock

8. Introduce the Routine Clock:
Explain the routine clock concept to your child. Emphasize that the clock hands will move throughout the day, indicating which activity comes next. Encourage your child to actively engage with the clock by turning the hands to match the current time.

Creating a Montessori-inspired routine clock is an engaging and educational way to instill a sense of time and routine in children. By using the provided free printable and some basic craft supplies, you can empower your child to take charge of their daily schedule while fostering independence and responsibility. This DIY project perfectly aligns with Montessori principles and contributes to a well-rounded developmental journey. Download the printable, gather your materials, and embark on this creative and enriching activity with your child today!

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Scraps & Coffee Grounds

Scraps & Coffee Grounds

Hi! my name is Sara and I am a DIY lover!
This blog started as a journal where I wrote my favorite recipes, from cosmetics and food. Then I started to create and upcycle clothes and I finally needed crafts ideas and easy kids activities for our homeschool journey. We love handmade stuff and easy projects and I share them all here!

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