It’s time for another seasonal recipe! And it involves eggplants and tomatoes,two of my favorite summer veggies/fruits. I am realizing that I share a lot of savory pies,they are great in order to eat different veggies in one dish and easy to make too,so handy! This one has a lot of cheese so it maybe hard to find a vegan alternative (we try to have a mostly 100% plantbased diet but we do eat dairies and eggs,and reduce as much as possible meat and fish)

Savoury eggplant pie

?Ingredients: 2 eggplants,3tomatoes, crust dough, provence herbs,1/2 cute parmesan,1/2 cup gruyere,2tbsp olive oil.

?Puff pastry: 2 cup flour,1 tbsp salt,250gr plant based butter frozen, 2/3 cup cold water. Grate the butter and add it to flour (I put the flour in the fridge 15min) slowly mixing. Pour the cold water into the dough. Mix. Wrap with a cloth and leave it in the fridge for 30min. Roll the dough,fold a rectangle three times and let it chill in the fridge again for 1hour.

Cut the eggplant in thin slides,drain and lighty fry in a pan. Preheat the oven 180°

Fit the crust into a pie pan,prick with a fork and oven 10min 180°

Make one layer with the eggplant slides,another with tomato slides,last one again with eggplant. Then add parmesan, provence herbs, gruyere add some tomatoes on the top and olive oil.

Hope you like it!xx And of you do,you may would love to help me with a coffee ??

Scraps & Coffee Grounds

Scraps & Coffee Grounds

Hi! my name is Sara and I am a DIY lover!
This blog started as a journal where I wrote my favorite recipes, from cosmetics and food. Then I started to create and upcycle clothes and I finally needed crafts ideas and easy kids activities for our homeschool journey. We love handmade stuff and easy projects and I share them all here!

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