I am often asked if I have a diy recipe for hair colouring: well, I haven’t, but I can share how I treat my hair and cover white hairs,(because I have a lot of them?) with a 100%natural colour. .
In order to avoid chemicals like PPD and looking for a biodegradable product I chose hena, and especially the one that
@aromazone_officiel propose, 100%natural, without additives, and mineral salts free (always check that if you want to use hena)
It perfectly fits my natural hair color and works as a fortifying hair mask. ?
The hardest part is trying to explain all that to my daughter, who doesn’t like the way I look with the mask and ask me every minute if I can already take it off?
#notsponsoredbutiwishitwas #naturaldyeing #zerochemicals #monaromazone
#diyaddict #creativegrammer #mycreativecommunity #inspiredbyflowers #flowerstagrammer #calmversation #simplethingsmadebeautiful #inspiredbynature_ #creative_cups #coffeeandflowers #cups_are_love#nochemical #zerowastelife #diyhouseholdtips #greenlifestyle #naturallifestyle #diymovement #diymom
#sustainablelifestyle #cosmetiquesmaison #createwithkika
#itsmyweek #creativelysquared
1 Comment
Your hair has been always super pretty!! I love it! and it is so cool that you can keep the color with a natural way! thanks for sharing your recipes with us ^^