Pumpkin season has started! I’ve been trying different recipes with pumpkins,pies, muffins, cookies…but my favorite is the pumpkin waffles one!
I freeze some pumpkin puree and when I want to make waffles I just take a part for the recipe,it’s really handy! (That’s why you can see onion squash and not pumpkins on the photo,I haven’t bought pumpkins yet! ?)

For this recipe you just need:
1/2 cup of pumpkin puree,
1 cup flour (your choice),
1cup milk (also your choice,you can use plantbased),
2tbsp of olive oil,
1tbsp cinnamon,
1tbsp ginger (grounded) .
Mix the ingredients and make your waffles! I use a waffle maker,so i just need to wait to the green light to have the dough done!
The smell is amazing and tastes so good!
Hope you like it as much as I do!xx find more recipes on my page ” healthy recipes“
And you can follow me on Instagram for more videos and tutorials @scraps.and.coffee.grounds