
Women’s day thoughts: Because many things have improved since 150 years ago, but there is still much to be done.
I don’t know what’s harder, raising empowered girls or raising boys who respect them in any situation: both jobs are a big responsibility.
I hope that one day, when they will grow up this will be just a day to celebrate womenhood, as it may be mother or father’s day, and that we’ll look back proud of the change accomplished.

Hope you liked these women’s day thoughts today.

#Happywomensday to all women, stay at home or working mom, or without kids, single or not, because it’s all about have the freedom of choice with same conditions: that’s what I want for my daughter.

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Scraps & Coffee Grounds

Scraps & Coffee Grounds

Hi! my name is Sara and I am a DIY lover!
This blog started as a journal where I wrote my favorite recipes, from cosmetics and food. Then I started to create and upcycle clothes and I finally needed crafts ideas and easy kids activities for our homeschool journey. We love handmade stuff and easy projects and I share them all here!

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