
Word of the year: couples edition. I was talking about new year resolutions on my last post, and as we still on January, posts about resolution lists and goals keep appearing on my Instagram feed and Pinterest suggestions.

But last year I heard about a concept pretty interesting, because is less overwhelming than the “old” way of choosing a long list of resolutions.

The world of the year consists in choosing only just one word for the whole year, helping you to find a gradual evolution towards the person you want to be, or the goal that you want to achieve.

It’s much easier, unifies your goals and allows flexibility. This way you can focus on a mantra or a motto, and you’ll focus on it.

And just like this I thought that it could be interesting to apply that method on our couple.

Work, routine, pregnancy or parenthood might be huge challenges for a couple. So it might be interesting to choose that word together in order to focus on a healthy relationship.

The way it works:

Step 1:

– Brainstorming of words. Sit down together and make a list of words.

Step 2:

– Answer the questions below finding a commun response.

  • Our fears_________
  • What we can do together on the everday routine________
  • We can’t wait for_______
  • Our one big project of the year___
  • We want to travel to________

Step 3:

– Choose the word that unifies these thoughts across all your couple goals.

Maybe that template can help you to organize all these steps.

Also I found some helpful tips that we must all have in mind when we are lost in routine or bad couple habits:

  1. Do good things together (charity, benevolence…)
  2. Eat mindfully ( try to have a healthy way to get your groceries and other home products, cook together healthy recipes, eat together if you can…)
  3. Exercise together ( go for a walk together, some hiking, a footing, some yoga…)
  4. Kiss and hug at least once a day!
  5. Treat your partner as well as you treat your friends ( you won’t talk to friends looking your phone, you always listen to them and give them some tips, you compliment them…then do the same with your beloved one, she/he deserves it more!)

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Scraps & Coffee Grounds

Scraps & Coffee Grounds

Hi! my name is Sara and I am a DIY lover!
This blog started as a journal where I wrote my favorite recipes, from cosmetics and food. Then I started to create and upcycle clothes and I finally needed crafts ideas and easy kids activities for our homeschool journey. We love handmade stuff and easy projects and I share them all here!

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